Friday, August 14, 2015

Module 6 Reflection

Map Comparison


It’s amazing how education shapes and morphs your opinion of things.

My second concept map reflects the changes that have occurred in my thinking over the past seven weeks. While my first was a series of separate points interconnected with various lines, my second presents a much more holistic approach based on my new way of thinking. Last week I wrote about my realization that the best thing about online education is that it truly provides the 1 to 1 student to teacher ratio within the class. That realization truly changed things for me. Suddenly all the pieces fell into place. So much so that this second assignment is less a concept map and more a concept graphic just as, in my opinion, adult education is less a series of individual tools and much more like a mosaic where individual tiles are assembled to create a larger picture.

The 24/7 instructor and student lie in the center of this graphic. Their symbiotic relationship dictates the success of a course.  The instructor must provide the material to the students, but equally as important, the students need to participate and provide material and feedback to the instructor and to each other. Only by this occurring can the class truly be successful. 

This central concept is surrounded by four cornerstones of a successful class. The class must be organized with the students knowing not only what is expected of them, but when it is expected. The virtual classroom must be positive environment, where all members are respectful of others. All members of the class should be engaged, each contributing their shared experiences. Lastly, each must be prepared. This is to say that the instructor should be ready to present the material and respond to feedback and the students must be prepared to learn and actively participate. 

Future Impact

This course has solidified, in my mind, the type of teacher I want to be and the amount of work that lies ahead. As previously mentioned, I intend on completing all modules of the course I developed this semester in order to offer it to up and coming educators. During my time in this course and in the program, I’ve observed my peers struggle, or worse simplify, because the learning curves for the various software tools were so steep. I want to help with this and feel my IT background can help. I was a technical instructor. Now, I believe I’m ready to be a teacher of those who teach. While my undergraduate degree is in IT, I had already taught myself the tools I used to obtain that degree way before I ever applied to UMass. By doing this, I had already made all the mistakes that could possibly be made, and nothing solidifies knowledge like failure. 

In many ways, I’m glad that this course was my final undertaking before submitting my portfolio. I entered the program with a deep desire to bring the best educational tools to my “wrench guys” at the nuclear power plant. While I still want to do that, I’ve discovered that there is another group of individuals who could be helped by my diversity of knowledge. While my initial desires are profitable, I honestly believe that training those who will train the next generation may actually be more fulfilling.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Module 5 Reflection

One of the greatest things about education is the clarity if offers to those who purse it. At a minimum, it will increase the knowledge level of the student, however, at its best, it will shape and change beliefs.

Five weeks ago, I was asked to evaluate online education for its strengths and weaknesses. One of the most poignant questions, for me, was whether I thought being an online instructor was easier or harder than being a teacher in a traditional brick and mortar environment. At the time, I must confess, I thought to myself that being an online instructor was infinitely easier than face to face teaching in a classroom. In fact, throughout the last four years, I have been extolling how easy it would be to make a buck being an online professor, telling friends and family, “ All you need do is create a course, meet once a week for chats, answer a few emails and collect $2,500 at the end of the semester.” I honestly thought this to be true based on my experiences with online learning, but three days ago, all that changed.

I was discussing things with my wife, alright, not discussing, but complaining. I was complaining about how I thought my classmates were turning out less than quality material. I wondered aloud why they, teachers by trade, weren’t challenging themselves when developing a course. Why they used links to the work of others rather than creating the material themselves. My wife, in an attempt to placate me, suggested the reason that I was resentful was that I was a true believer in online education and the possibilities it offered and was therefore resentful of peers not fully taking advantage of those possibilities. 

Then it hit me. 

For four years I had been excited about online education because I believed that it created 24/7 students, but I had only been half right. Not only does online education create 24/7 students, it creates 24/7 teachers. The true marvel of learning/teaching online lies in the fact that it truly creates the 1 to 1 teacher to student ratio that educators have sought for years.

When saying this, understand that I am not referring to the Massively Enormous Monstrosity Courses that are offered by sites like Coursera. They have their place and are a pleasant diversion when someone want to learn for fun. No, I’m referring to courses such as this where a limited number of students sign up and are held accountable for their performance. If a student fails a Coursera class due to lack of effort, they just move on. The consequences for failing a course such as this are far greater and forces the student to keep up with the work or suffer the consequences.

It is the synergy of the engaged student and the engaged instructor that creates the previously mentioned 1 to 1 ration. During the time that the course is being conducted, instructor and learner are in contact 24/7. Email programs are tied to cellphones, which are never very far away. At any time, day or night, the learner may contact the instructor with a question. Now, rather than raising their hand, they simply send a text or an email. The instructor, wherever they are, reads the communication, and if they are committed to being the best teacher they can be, responds almost immediately and the 1 to 1 ratio is affirmed.

The reason I’ve chosen this example for this particular blog post is because this was truly the most rewarding thing that I will take from this project, and in fact, this course. I’ve used Moodle before so there were no difficulties there, although I must admit that I wish there were more than four or five template offerings. I enjoy creating online content for courses and can’t wait to offer my own. However, it is not very often that I can say that a course has changed my way of thinking, that it has affected what I believe, and this one has and, as I am now ready to submit my portfolio, at exactly the right time.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Module 3 Reflection

There were a couple of things that struck me with the Module 3 reading, especially as I was actually using Web 2.0 tools for my presentation, and as a matter of full disclosure, let me preface this entry by saying that I will be developing an online class for educators on the use of such tools for this course.
The first was how closely Ko and Rossen’s presentation in Chapter 9 actually mirrored the syllabus that I had created for my own course. I’ll admit to writing the syllabus for my own course three weeks before I actually purchased the book. Given that this course is presented in a 7 week format, I wanted to get a jump on things, and as I knew that some sort of online course would be required, I decided to pursue a Multimedia Tools for Educators course. As you can see from the attached syllabus, my syllabus and their discussion in Chapter 9 are very similar. The one point at which we differ is that the authors discuss creating a web page first and images second, and I address graphics first. The reason for this, I believe, is the way we approach creating a web page.
During my undergraduate education, I took a course in computer graphics. At the time, I thought it would be one of those courses where I would get any easy A and learn very little. I was half right. I did get the A, but the instructor taught me something that has been invaluable going forward. I intend on passing on this knowledge. The instructor had us create something he called a “web treatment.” That is to say that he had us create a graphical representation of a web page. To the layperson, this may not seem entirely useful. After all, graphics don’t have dynamic content and can’t be linked to other pages, but what he did then, in my mind, was pure genius. He required us to split our graphical representation into different blocks and then use those blocks to create the web page using the <div> tag in HTML.
Here’s why this was a stroke of genius. All too often, novice web designers create their web pages as backgrounds with pasted pictures, much like a scrapbook. Creating the template first, allows the designer to break down their page into its component parts and then, if necessary, use javascript to manipulate those parts as required. There is much more I wish to say about this, but I’ll leave it for my course. Suffice to say that, like the Ko and Rossen, I believe it’s incredibly important that an educator understand the nuts and bolts of HTML before they move on to other Web 2.0 tools. One other area in which we differ is in the use of WYSIWYG tools. I’m not a fan. I may be old fashioned, but I still hand code each web page I create. It’s a bit more time consuming, but I believe it adds a bit of elegance that page mills can’t recreate.
The other thing that struck me about Chapter 9 was the author’s discussion of scripted versus unscripted content. Again, I fear, we disagree. Obviously things such as introductions should remain unscripted. The last thing that any learner wants to see is a teacher presenting themselves using cue cards. That being said, I feel that all presentations should be scripted and edited prior to being utilized as an audio track. Ko and Rossen liken the unscripted audio to a classroom presentation. They overlook one important factor. In the classroom environment, the instructor reacts to both verbal and non-verbal feedback, which would not be present when the instructor is recording the audio for a presentation. It has been my experience that an instructor who sits down at a microphone with the intent to ad lib will inevitably end up rambling thus reducing the effectiveness of the presentation. This is not to say that a script should be just read. An effective instructor starts the recording process with an aural picture (how’s that for an oxymoron) of what the lesson will sound like. With audio and video presentations, it is imperative that the instructor see themselves as an actor addressing an audience. They should attempt to visualize their students in front of them in order to add the proper degree of inflection. Utilizing such tools results in both interesting and entertaining presentations.
Lastly, where the text and I absolutely agree is the need for students to create their own content. Far too often in multimedia courses, the instructor demonstrates and the learner replicates. There are two things wrong with this approach.
Students tend to approach learning with what I like to call a math-centric approach. They desperately search for the one correct answer and every other answer out there is wrong. I honestly believe that this is what sparked the inclusion of rubrics for every activity under the sun. I’m going to veer off on a tangent here, but it is something I have wanted to express for quite a long time. My wife is English and was raise in the English school system. After moving to the United States and attending a large U.S. university, she spent 6 months in her homeland as a student abroad with her American peers. She has repeatedly related to me the frustration of her UK professors at the penchant for U.S. students to parrot the classroom lectures and cite experts in their academic work. This is a weakness, I feel, in the American education system. Far too often, students are looking for what the professor wants rather than what they themselves feel. To be sure, all statements should be supported by facts, but as an instructor, I want to know what the students know. I want to see how they can apply the tools I’ve given them in fun and interesting ways. I do not want to see a carbon copy of my lesson demonstration. Wow me, make me think, make me laugh. To me, that is the advantage that Web 2.0 tools give educators. Expression and knowledge transfer is no longer confined to the written word and a whiteboard. There are infinite possibilities for both teachers and learners to explore.
The second thing wrong with the demonstrate/replicate models is that, quite simply, it sucks the fun out of learning. For adults, learning should be both meaningful and fun. Adults in a classroom environment are investing one of their most precious commodities, their time. They are taking time away from their families or their jobs in order to participate in a class. At the very least, the class should provide something they can take away, but equally as important is the fact that it should be enjoyable. Students should be presented with opportunities to have fun while they learn. Adults are almost constantly confronted with serious situations, family issues, job obstacles. As an instructor of adult learners, I believe the classroom should present an environment where they can decompress and truly enjoy what they do.
Finally, what I’ve come away with this week is the knowledge that the course that I will be developing in this class is entirely marketable as an undergraduate offering. The fact that the authors discuss quite a few of the tools that I would introduce in the course lets me know that I’m on the right track. Additionally, the comments I received from my peers on my discussion this week shows me that there is a desire to delve into the workings of these Web 2.0 tools beyond a simple highlighting in a text book.